(TRAY-kee-uh) Tube where air travels to get to the lungs
Takes in air, warms it, and traps some dust
Lots of surface area for gas exchange (taking up oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide)
(DIE-uh-fram) Contracts and relaxes to help move air in & out of the lungs
(BRAHNG-kai) Tubes where air travels inside the lungs
Airway epithelium
Protects other tissues from things in the air, like bacteria and viruses Clears away dust & other junk
Blood vessels
Tubes for blood, which carries nutrients, gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide), and immune cells
Gland tissue
Makes liquid and mucus. Mucus forms a protective layer; liquid keeps things moving.
Smooth muscle
Expands and contracts to make the bronchus get wider or narrower
Tough tissue that holds the bronchus open
Ciliated epithelial cells
Waving cilia push mucus up & out
Goblet cells
Makes lots of mucus. Mucus forms a protective layer across the whole epithelium.
Basal cells
Ciliated and goblet cells don’t live very long. This cell type divides to make more of them.
Wave back and forth to push away mucus & trapped debris
Cell Junctions
Connect neighboring cells together, forming a strong barrier
Takes in food and chews it into smaller pieces
(eh-SOFF-uh-gus) Tube where food travels to get to the stomach
Mixes food with digestive juices and breaks it down into smaller pieces
Small intestine
Adds more digestive enzymes to food
Absorbs nutrients and liquid from food and moves them to the blood
Large intestine
Filled with bacteria that break down food and make micro-nutrients
Absorbs liquid & micro-nutrients
Intestinal epithelium
Protects other tissues from food, bacteria, and other things in the digestive tract
Absorbs nutrients from food and transfers them to blood
Blood vessels
Tubes for blood, which carries nutrients, gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide), and immune cells
Gland tissue
Makes digestive enzymes
Smooth muscle
Pushes food through the digestive tract
Connective tissue
Holds layers of tissue together and keeps them flexible
Absorptive cells
Take up nutrients from food
Connect together tightly to keep bad things out of the tissues underneath
Goblet cells
Make mucus, which keeps food moving
Stem cells
Cells in the intestinal epithelium don’t live very long. This cell type divides to make more of them.
New cells migrate from the bottoms of crypts to the tips of the villi.
Microvilli on these cells make the intestine 600 times more absorbent than it would be without them.
They’re covered with proteins that bring nutrients into the cell
Cell Junctions
Connect neighboring cells together, forming a strong barrier
Using photosynthesis, they make sugar for the plant
Areas of active growth
Branch points where leaves & stems meet
Support the leaves
Have tubes inside that carry water & nutrients
Mesophyll tissue
Makes lots of glucose (a type of sugar). The plant uses glucose for food and turns it into other molecules it needs.
Provides shape and structure for the leaves
Epidermal tissue
The “skin” of the leaf
Vascular tissue
Tubes that carry water & nutrients
Epidermal cells
Make wax to keep the leaf from drying out
Pallisade cells
Using energy from the sun, they make sugar from carbon dioxide
Guard cells
Expand and contract to open and close pores that let air in.
Spongy Parenchyma cells
Take in carbon dioxide from the air
Loosely packed for efficient gas exchange
Using energy from the sun, they make sugar from carbon dioxide
Cell wall
Strong fibers support the shape of the cell and protect it from things in the environment like pests, pathogens, and weather.
This is where photosynthesis takes place: using the sun’s energy to make sugar
Stores water & nutrients, provides pressure, and breaks down waste.