
Epigenetics is the product of a collaboration between the Genetic Science Learning Center staff and 19 outstanding teachers who were hand-selected from hundreds of qualified applicants to participate in the 2008 Beyond the Central Dogma Master Teacher Summer Institute.

Participants (in alphabetical order):

Sherry Annee
Greg Ballog
Andrea Cooney
Eric Cullander
Elaine Diamond
Barbara Egan
Nancy Gettman
Mario Godoy-Gonzalez
Bridget Hoggatt
Alice Keller
Chris Kuka
Keri Shingleton
Kristi Sutton
Kimberly Swaggard-Svec
Monica Van-Y
Philip Vinogradov
Phil Wagner
Michael West
Polly Wilson

Indianapolis, IN
Langley, WA
Omaha, NE
Creswell, OR
Bethlehem, PA
Kettering, OH
Lindon, CO
Royal City, WA
Bradenton, FL
Union, NJ
Bend, OR
Tulsa, OK
Bellevue , WA
Parma, OH
Westland, MI
Willow Grove, PA
Beverly Hills, CA
East St. Paul, MB
Portland, ME

GSLC Staff

Pete Anderson
Sheila Avery
Dina Drits
Molly Malone
Brendan Nicholson
Kevin Pompei
Louisa Stark, Ph.D.
Harmony Starr
Mathew Weaver

Copy Editor

Eden Gillespie

Voice Talent

CJ Bane - The Epigenetics of Identical Twins
Lisa Lindsley - Lick Your Rats
Simone Pavlides - The Epigenome at a Glance

Music Composition

Cody Baldwin - The Epigenome at a Glance
Matthew Tyas, Greendjohn and Ant Neely -
The Epigenetics of Identical Twins

Photography & Video Clips

The Epigenome at a Glance
Cell video clips:
Nakata et al. (2003) JCB 162:1045-1055
Windoffer et al. (2002) JCS 115, 1717-1732
Gebhardt et al. (2006) JCB 172: 139-149

Insights From Identical Twins
Vintage twin photos in movie:
John Van Noate
Lisa Bliss Chin
Laural Emur
Nancy L. Stockdale
Catherine dee Auvil
Lorri Lennox
Kathy Awbrey
Roz Leibowitz
Carla Frances
Lindsay Dell
James Tworow
Patrick Q.
David Lisbona
Dawn Mary

Fraga, M.F. et al. (2005) PNAS, 102:10604-9.

Dyslexia and Arthritis:
Sparky Toews

Identical and Fraternal Twins:
Anthony Malloy
Alethea Fowler

Lick Your Rats
Video of actual mother rat licking:
Frances Champagne, Ian Weaver,
Michael Meaney, Moshe Szyf

Nutrition and the Epigenome
Agouti mice:
Randy L. Jirtle, Ph.D.

Food abundance:
Paul Townsend

Special Acknowledgements

We would also like to thank the speakers at our 2008 Beyond the Central Dogma Master Teacher Summer Institute who also greatly assisted us during the production process:

Moshe Szyf, Ph.D.,
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec

Mario Capecchi, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Human Genetics and Biology
University of Utah

Ray Gesteland Ph.D.,
Distinguished Professor of Human Genetics
University of Utah

Kevin Flanigan M.D.,
Associate Professor of Human Genetics and of Neurology
University of Utah

Also a very special thanks to:
Randy L. Jirtle, Ph.D.,
Director of the Epigenetics and Imprinting Laboratory
Duke University

  • Funding

    This work was supported by Science Education Partnership Awards (Nos. R25RR023288 and 1R25GM021903) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health.

    The contents provided here are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NIH.