A Culture of Collaboration

It takes a team effort not only to make genetic discoveries, but also to translate them into products and practices that can help patients. And the University of Utah has shown that it has the right people and the necessary assets to make this happen.

Follow the links below to learn more.

Dr. Willard H. Dere

Willard H. Dere, M.D., leads the University of Utah's Program in Personalized Health.


The University of Utah provides diagnostic services not only for its own hospitals, but also for healthcare providers across the country.


Interdisciplinary centers and programs

A number of centers and programs at the University of Utah bring experts together from multiple disciplines with the common goal of being able to better serve patients:


Experts on Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues (ELSI)

Precision medicine brings great promise, but it also raises new ethical, legal, and social issues. Many experts at the University of Utah are actively working to address these issues: