The Neuroscience of Taste & Smell

This app has been pulled from the app store due to technical issues we are currentley working on getting it back up on the app store. Please check back soon.

See how the nose and the tongue sense chemicals, and learn the difference between taste and flavor.

App Screenshots

  • screen shot of smell and taste app
  • screen shot of smell and taste app
  • screen shot of smell and taste app
  • screen shot of smell and taste app
  • screen shot of smell and taste app
  • screen shot of smell and taste app
  • screen shot of smell and taste app


Axel, R (2006). The molecular logic of smell. Scientific American, September 2006, 69-75.

DeMaria, S. & Ngai, J (2010). The cell biology of smell. The Journal of Cell Biology, 191, 3, 443-452. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201003144

Chaudhari, N & Roper, SD (2010). The cell biology of taste. The Journal of Cell Biology, 190, 3, 285-296. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201008163

Kandel, ER, Schwartz, JH, Jessell, TM, Siegelbaum, SA & Hudspeth, AJ. (2013). Principles of Neural Science, fifth edition. McGraw Hill Medical.

Smith, DV & Margolskee, RF (2006). Making sense of taste. Scientific American, September 2006, 85-92.